Wednesday, September 14, 2011


This blog is to cover the feeling of homesickness. It seems to come even when you feel that it might not. I think as one gets older relocating outside the U.S. or wherever it is that you are from and used to, becomes harder to do.

Everyone goes through this from time to time. I believe things will improve as our crates arrive (with more of the "busy work" in there that I have), as I meet more people, as friends come to visit and as I feel more comfortable with the city overall. I'm a strong woman and I know this, yet I feel so far from what I'm familiar with. I've tried to surround myself with as many things as I can that remind me of home, but being homesick is still something that is unescapable it seems. I think when you don't have as much to occupy yourself with and when you are faced with more than a few weeks in a place then that's when the feeling of homesickness shows it's ugly head. That's where this blog, working on design, photography, jewelry, traveling and all those busy things will help. So if you ever get this feeling or if you are reading this and you feel it now or if you know someone who is feeling this way, remind them that you're there, remind them why they are where they are and remind them to keep busy. It may not be easy to tackle homesickness every day but all things are taken one day at a time anyway.

My husband makes things easier and I'm thankful for that. It's just he works during the day and I'm not one to bother him while he's at work. This is his time. This relocation is important for him and I want to support that. So don't worry about me. I'm good and things will pick back up. If you want to help, send me emails. It will let me know what's going on and give me something to do (read and respond back).

Now onto other things. We are now settled in the house. We've been slowly getting things taken care of. We are slowly making our house a home.

I'll be getting a massage tomorrow at the Spa located here at our community. It's called Angsana Spa ( I'll take photos if I can and I'll let you all know how good they are and I'll figure out a fun way to rate them. It might be cheesy but let's have some fun, shall we? :) I'm still so jet lagged. The massage should help with that and hopefully it will help with some pains I'm having.

So much more to write, but I should try to sleep. More to come later. :)


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